A first-of-its-kind, DebiCheck-enabled, Automated Payment Gateway that safely plugs into your eCommerce solution, allowing your customers to make verified once-off or recurring payments online.
Secure & cost-effective customer payments
digiDebit is a new payment gateway that enables merchants to initiate and automate customer payments. Leveraging the power of DebiCheck, it increases payment compliance, making it easier for you to collect more for less.
Automate your customer billing and subscriptions
digiDebit allows your customers to subscribe securely online and enables you to manage your customer subscriptions from our powerful billing platform. Choose between a fully integrated solution or our standalone applet.
Collect securely with the digiDebit secure Payment Gateway
More economical than conventional payment methods for creating and managing customer payments.
Secure digiMandates
digiDebit enables you to capture your customers’ digiMandates securely online, with no card required.
Manage subscriptions
Track, manage and amend once-off or recurring customer payments and forecast your cash flow.
digiDebit API and Plugins
Plug into any website or eCommerce platform with the digiDebit API and start collecting fast.
Harnesses the potency of DebiCheck
When you add the digiDebit secure Payment Gateway as a payment method on your website, your customers can subscribe or pay through DebiCheck. The mandate is created and authenticated at the point of checkout.
With digiDebit your customers don’t need a bank card to pay for or subscribe to your services. Open up your offering to new markets and deal with fewer failed payments because of lost or expired cards.
Multi-channel secure transaction confirmation
Enable your customers to securely authorise transactions on their mobile device via USSD, their banking app, cellphone banking, or via online banking.
By far the most cost-effective customer payment method*
digiDebit enables your customers to make recurring payments via debit order with low transactional fees for the merchant, meaning more money in your pocket.
*Compared to conventional online payment methods for recurring payments